C­h­e­a­p­ ­n­e­w­ ­i­P­h­o­n­e­ ­s­a­y­s­:­ ­7­.­8­9­m­m­ ­b­o­d­y­ ­n­o­ ­b­l­a­c­k­ ­e­d­i­t­i­o­n­

C­h­e­a­p­ ­n­e­w­ ­i­P­h­o­n­e­ ­s­a­y­s­:­ ­7­.­8­9­m­m­ ­b­o­d­y­ ­n­o­ ­b­l­a­c­k­ ­e­d­i­t­i­o­n­

About Apple’s next-generation iPhone and cheap version of iPhone news in the recent signs of finally a little corpuscles, the analyst seems to have guessed the possibilities over and over, never guessing not go on.

Today Cheap iPhone has a new argument, the source is not an analyst, but civil. Allegedly cheap version of iPhone has a thickness of 7.89mm, length and width of the fuselage with the iPhone 5 approaching, and there will be a variety of color models.

If that is so, then the cheap version of iPhone and iPhone 5 screen size should be the same as 4 inches, this way after the so-called “big-screen version of” theory would be gone.

In addition to Japanese media also subsequently claimed that cheap version of iPhone will provide a variety of color styles to choose from, including navy blue, gold, orange, white and gray colors such as five new versions, and there will be a black version is available.

On its name, it is said Apple does not like the words cheap and inexpensive, but as “new design iPhone 5”, this is really Siyaomianzi apple you ah.ucuz iphone

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