W­h­a­t­ ­h­a­s­ ­h­a­p­p­e­n­e­d­ ­o­n­ ­1­5­ ­J­u­l­y­ ­2­0­1­6­

W­h­a­t­ ­h­a­s­ ­h­a­p­p­e­n­e­d­ ­o­n­ ­1­5­ ­J­u­l­y­ ­2­0­1­6­



A group of terrorists, belong to FETÖ wearing military uniforms, attacked to Turkish parliament, Turkish civiliansx Turkish Army itself, Turkish police headquarters, Turkish Radio and TV and Turkish Presidency on 15-16 July 2016.

Their aim is to destroy democracy in Turkey and place a military rule.

But at first The President of The Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan called people to take to the streets. Turkish people (civilians), Turkish parliamentarians, Turkish police and Turkish army prevent this attempt.

World supported Turkey.

From President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Chief of Staff Hulusi Akar...
From Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım, to main opposition parties...
Condemned the FETO terrorists.

Here are the documentary about these days and the days later...


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