İ­s­m­a­i­l­ ­A­l­t­ı­n­t­a­ş­ ­Y­a­z­i­o­:­ ­F­r­a­t­e­r­n­a­l­l­y­!­

İ­s­m­a­i­l­ ­A­l­t­ı­n­t­a­ş­ ­Y­a­z­i­o­:­ ­F­r­a­t­e­r­n­a­l­l­y­!­

We were mountains separated by oceans.

We got together.

We were rivers separated by deserts.

We got together.

We were raindrops separated by the clouds.

We got together.

We were grains of sand separated by currents.

We got together.

We were rainbow colors separated by storms.

We have come together today, as it has been for thousands of years.

We love nature and living things as they are.

We do not separate.

We are the parents of all blond, curly, coal-eyed children.

We do not separate.

We know that all beliefs are for brotherhood.

We do not separate.

We know the physical properties of bodies.

We do not separate today, as it has been for thousands of years.

Thought is precious to us.

We believe.

Happiness is precious to us.

We believe.

Brotherhood is precious to us.

We believe today as it has been for thousands of years.

We are hidden in the subtleties of your soul.

We exist.

Because humanity exists.

We exist as it has been for thousands of years.

Come on then!

Let's remove all the obstacles.

Come on then!

Let's hold each other's hands.

Come on then!

Let's touch his heart deep.

Come on then!

Let's walk into the future one after the other.

Come on then!


İsmail Altıntaş

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