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H­o­w­ ­m­a­n­y­ ­s­l­i­c­e­s­ ­i­n­ ­a­ ­l­a­r­g­e­ ­p­i­z­z­a­ ­h­u­t­ ­P­i­z­z­a­?­

How many slices in a large pizza hut Pizza?1
The Size and Slices of a Large Pizza Hut Pizza

When it comes to pizza, size definitely matters. And in the world of pizza, Pizza Hut is one of the biggest players. But just how many slices can you expect to get from a large Pizza Hut pizza? Let’s dive into the details and find out.

The Size of a Large Pizza Hut Pizza

First things first, let’s establish the size of a large pizza at Pizza Hut. According to the official Pizza Hut website, a large pizza has a diameter of 14 inches. This is slightly larger than the standard large pizza size of 12 inches at many other pizza chains.

So, what does this mean for the number of slices in a large Pizza Hut pizza? Let’s do some math.

The Number of Slices in a Large Pizza Hut Pizza

To determine the number of slices in a pizza, you need to consider the circumference and diameter of the pizza. Without getting too technical, the circumference is the measurement around the edge of the pizza, while the diameter is the measurement across the pizza from one side to the other.

The formula for calculating the number of slices in a pizza is as follows:

Number of Slices = (Circumference / Diameter) x 2

For a 14-inch pizza, the circumference would be approximately 44 inches. So, using the formula above, we can calculate the number of slices in a large Pizza Hut pizza:

(44 / 14) x 2 = 6.28 x 2 = 12.56 slices

Based on this calculation, a large Pizza Hut pizza should have around 12-13 slices. However, it’s important to note that this is just an estimate and the actual number of slices may vary slightly depending on the thickness of the crust and how the pizza is cut.

Factors That Can Affect the Number of Slices

As mentioned before, the number of slices in a large Pizza Hut pizza may vary depending on certain factors. These can include the type of crust (thin, hand-tossed, or pan), the toppings used, and the way the pizza is cut.

For example, if you choose a hand-tossed crust, it will be thicker than a thin crust, which may result in fewer slices. Similarly, if you opt for a pizza with lots of toppings, the weight and distribution of the toppings may also affect the number of slices.

Additionally, some Pizza Hut locations may cut their pizzas into 8 slices instead of 6, which would result in more slices overall.


In conclusion, a large Pizza Hut pizza has a diameter of 14 inches and should have around 12-13 slices. However, this number may vary based on factors such as crust type, toppings, and cutting methods. So, the next time you order a large pizza from Pizza Hut, you’ll have a better idea of how many slices to expect.

Now, go ahead and indulge in some delicious Pizza Hut pizza with your newfound knowledge!

How many slices in a large pizza hut Pizza? yazısı ilk önce World EDU Türkçe | Akademi, Teknoloji, Haber, Yorum & Analiz üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

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